Granite Man Trail Runs
Trail Run 10 Miles
The Run: This is an exceptional 10 mile trail run that starts at Hart-Tish Park and crosses Upper Applegate Rd to Collings Mountain Trail. The course follows the length of the Collings Mountain Trail. You’ll encounter an abandoned miner’s cabin and an inactive Sasquatch trap. You’ll take in excellent panoramic views of Applegate Lake and the Siskiyou Crest at several locations along the trail. While traversing the western slope of Collings Mountain you’ll gain 1,000 feet in elevation. Trees encountered along the trail include old growth Douglas fir, sugar pine, ponderosa pine, Pacific madrone, white oak and Saddler oak. Cross Upper Appelgate Road again at Watkins campground and follow the lake back to Hart-tish park!
Trail Run 28 Miles
The Run: This is a new addition to Granite Man as of 2018. This run will follow the same course as the 10 mile course until Watkins campground where it will take a right for a brief section on the pavement before hitting a dirt road at Seattle Bar. After heading up the hill runners will get back on the trail around the lake. Runners will weave there way back to Payette Trail head where they will pop back on the road and across the dam. Then jump back on a short trail to Hart-tish where they will finish on the grass.
Trail Poker Run
The Run: This run is meant to be fun with a little card game along the way. The run starts and heads up out of Hart-tish park following the 10M course up and across Little Applegate Road. Where it takes a right and heads along to road to the Grouse Gap loop trail. Following the loop around it comes back to the road and comes back to Hart-tish the same way it heads out and finishes in the grass. Then check to see if you won in the 5 card poker hand.